
Easygo Background

Easygolf focuses on the professional feld of golf and delves into various segmented markets.Dedicated to creating and establishing related devices that integrate socializing, information, and aresuitable for Android and iOS systems.
Covering major stadiums in the Philippines, an online scoring platform loved by countless users. Moreconvenient, faster, and more effcient.


EasygoI App


show all games and tournaments,easily to start a game with. show the highlight moment of the players. show the present day games, enjoy watching them play. to join a game which you like or who you want to partner with, to organize or join a team.

Easygolf App

In progress matches: Display icons indicating whether the user has joined or created a match, including match name, stadium name, match status, time…

Competition module: including modules such as My Activity Competition, My Team, Today's Competition, Registration Competition…

Dynamic: Display the updates posted by users on the platform.
Including plain text, images, videos, scorecards, etc., you can find like-minded friends in the dynamic, support following users here, support private chatting…


Easygolf - Personal Details Page

Display: personal information related to users.
Including user's friends, following data, being followed data, team data, member stadiums joined, posted updates, and more



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