• Xingcheng Habitat Real Estate Investment Group-Huixiangjia Home Decoration Platform

    Xingcheng Habitat’s professional home decoration platform, the first domestic real estate company’s own decoration mall platform. The system contains four ports, user side, salesperson side, supplier side, and management platform. Functions include real estate inquiry, salesman binding, customized sets, brand electrical appliances, activity area, coupons, grouping, redemption cards, distribution and promotion. Truly realize the integration of sales management.

    Mini Program 2023-06-19
  • Global InterContinental Hotels WeChat Marketing Mini Program

    Founded in 1777, IHG is the world’s largest and most widely networked professional hotel management group, with more than 60 years of international hotel management experience including InterContinental, Crown Holidays and Holiday Inn. At the same time, IHG is also the world’s largest super hotel group with the largest number of rooms and the most multinational operations, distributed in nearly 100 countries, and taking over the most hotels in China.

    Mini Program 2023-06-17

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