Tesla’s next-generation robot, Optimus Gen 2: a major breakthrough in human-robot integration engineering

Tesla’s next-generation humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2, recently went quietly online with upgraded and improved features that make it more human-like.

Robot Pictures

Key upgrades to the Optimus Gen 2 include Tesla’s newly designed actuators and sensors to improve efficiency and precision in performing tasks; a 2-Dof (degrees of freedom) actuated head that allows for more flexible head rotation; 11-Dof hand joints that allow for more delicate and flexible movements; integrated actuators with electronics and wiring harnesses that improve the stability of the entire system; a 30 percent increase in walking speed 30% higher than its predecessor, making it more adaptable to different environments; the introduction of foot force/torque sensing, making it more attuned to the characteristics of the ground; and a 10 kg weight reduction, making it more maneuverable.

From the video released, we can see that the Optimus Gen 2 can walk smoothly, with a 30% increase in walking speed and the ability to make a crouch of about 90 degrees, with quite fine control of its limbs. The hand upgrades allow the 11 degrees of freedom to swing like a human hand, and it’s amazing how well it executes its movements and how smooth they are. Additionally, all of the Optimus Gen 2’s fingers are tactile-sensitive, and it can deftly handle fragile objects, such as eggs.

In fact, Tesla introduced its first humanoid robot three years ago, and today it has achieved many rapid evolutions.At AI Day in August 2021, Tesla debuted its humanoid robot, Tesla Bot, which mainly undertakes tasks that are considered dangerous, repetitive and boring. The Optimus Robot (Optimus Prime Robot), which was released immediately after at AI Day 2022, was the center of attraction. It is extremely flexible in movement, not only being able to turn all its joints freely, but also accurately performing various hand-to-object maneuvers, such as moving boxes and watering plants. In addition, Optimus 2.0 made significant progress during the investor period in March this year, and was even able to pick up the robotic arm and fix it into place, with substantial improvements in its smooth and agile task execution.

Looking back on this year, the Optimus robots have evolved substantially, making significant progress both in terms of locomotor ability and in terms of independence and adaptability in handling tasks. We hope that in the near future, more Optimus robots with motor abilities on par with humans will be created.

From the perspective of robot hardware, Optimus 2.0 has undoubtedly broken down the barriers between humans and machines in terms of hand joint modification, body weight reduction, and walking speed enhancement, realizing a major breakthrough in human-robot integration. However, an excellent humanoid intelligent body is not only the upgrade and change of hardware, but also the “brain-level” software and algorithms. With the increasing maturity of AI technology, we expect Tesla’s humanoid robot to be able to combine the empowerment of AI and make more miracles beyond the limits of human beings.

On this basis, Musk expects that the visionary goal of Optimus humanoid robot is not only to replace human beings to complete tasks such as repetitive labor and dangerous operations, but more importantly, to become a universal service robot that can be integrated into various life scenarios such as home, office and business scenarios without any obstacles. Empowered by both hardware and software, the Tesla humanoid robot is expected to bring more convenience and fun to our lives in the near future.

However, we also need to see that the road of clothing man-machine integration is still very difficult. Even the current Optimus 2.0, there are still some problems that need to be solved, such as stiff movements, unable to complete overly complex movements and so on. And, there is still a long way to go to make robots truly clothing human-robot integration, like people to understand and operate the world.

In any case, the excellent engineers at Tesla have already made great efforts to combine artificial intelligence and robotics on this path, and the excellent performance of the Optimus humanoid robot has made us look forward to this field. The rapid progress of Tesla’s humanoid robots and their great contribution to human-robot integration show us a possible future, a future in which humans and robots can live and work together in harmony.

With the increasing maturity of AI technology and the advancement of hardware technology, let’s look forward to the arrival of the third generation of Optimus humanoid robots, and let’s look forward to the day when artificial intelligence gradually comes out of the screen and really helps us in the real world.


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