How much does it cost to develop an AI painting applet like Midjourney/Stable Diffusion before I can?

How much does it cost to develop an AI painting applet like Midjourney/Stable Diffusion before I can?

The number of programmers needed to develop an AI painting software like Midjourney depends on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the specific needs of the project, the size and tech stack of the development team, the complexity of the project, the development cycle, and more.

Generally speaking, a team of experienced and well-rounded technicians is needed, including specialists in machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, software engineering, user experience design, and many other aspects. As a result, the number of programmers needed may range from dozens to hundreds.

As for development time and cost, if you start from 0, it will take at least several years of development time and the cost will vary accordingly. This includes, but is not limited to, labor costs, equipment costs, server costs, software licensing costs, testing costs, maintenance costs, and more.

AI painting software is the top priority of the server, the picture occupies a large space, AI painting rendering out the picture can easily be 10M, 1G space can just put 100 pictures, a user of course, it is not possible to generate only one, your software out of course, it is not possible to give only 10 users. Calculated this way, the cost of physical servers alone will cost a dozen or more millions of RMB a year.

In addition to physical servers, GPU servers cost more, and just one device is currently sold to 100,000 dollars. Come to think of it, if you want to independently develop a midjourney or stable diffusion such artificial intelligence AI painting small program APP software plug-ins and so on, small startups simply can not afford.

As a practitioner of software development, it is highly discouraged for those who want to start a business to develop AI-related applets on their own.

For those who are keen to get into this track, the best way for entrepreneurs to develop right now is to only access Midjourney’s or Stable Diffusion’s APIs, saving them the huge expense of developing on their own.


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